You can give to Faith Church in many differnet ways.
Thank you for your support! It's so deeply appreciated. We have partnered with CanadaHelps to process online donations for the work our community engages in, on the street.
Just click on the button below and it will take you to our giving page. And THANK YOU again! We couldn't survive without your support.
Please note: All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. Select the amount, frequency, and area you wish to donate to. You must then register with Canada Helps (if you have not previously done so), which will allow the site to track your giving and remember your information if you should choose to adjust your giving amounts later. Please be aware, donations will be used as intended and designated unless the project is over subscribed, completed or can not be completed, in which case the funds will be re-directed to a similar or like project.
There are so many ways you can get involved or directly support the work amongst those who are excluded and marginalised in our community.
We appreciate all manner of support for the ministry. If you want to help or give, but no sure how to, please give us a call, email us or drop by for a cup of coffee!